Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cumbucket?

Home wrecker
Semen sponge

Nikki Smiley is a cumbucket

👍29 👎13

Cumbucket - meme gif

Cumbucket meme gif

Cumbucket - video


Cumbucket - what is it?

1. Someone who enjoys dumping bucketfulls of "man-juice" into their mouth 2. A slutty whore 3. An omelette containing red peppers, cilantro, and baked cod

Holy moly! Did you see that girl? She's such a cumbucket!

👍101 👎107

What does "Cumbucket" mean?

1) By definition it is any such receptacle that can in any possible manner contain cum.

2) Any person that by their actions show that they should have cum deposited in them irrespective of sex.

3) Stupid cocksucking irritating asshole faggot fucks, who are a (UK)shower of cunts.

That stank ass hoe is a fucking cumbucket.

That cumbucket robbed his mom and fucked his sisters boyfriend too!!

Why you gotta be such a cumbucket?

👍85 👎71

Cumbucket - what does it mean?

a bucket or pail, in which men ejaculate into. Usually used for circle jerks.

Hey Donavan, pass the Cumbucket, i gotta blow my load!!

👍87 👎71

Cumbucket - meaning

Someone who is such an asshole that they just piss you off like that.

Can also be used to describe a girl (or guy) who is slutty and who's mouth is just a sperm bank open for business 24/7

"I fucking hate that girl, she is such a slutty cumbucket."

👍25 👎11

Cumbucket - definition

A vessel, typically made of stone, occasionally of hammered bronze, used to capture male ejaculate. Cumbuckets are commonly found in Mesopotamia, or present-day Iraq.

Thousands of years ago men would gather round communal combuckets and engage in a circle jerk as part of a religious ceremony. Once a bucket was filled with male ejaculate a female virgin would be drowned in it, and then consumed in a celebratory feast.

This practice has begun to fade in recent years, and cumbuckets have all but disappeared outside of college fraternities.

1. The Smithsonian has a new display of cumbuckets recently unearthed in Iraq.

2. I got gay drunk at a frat party and circle jerked into a cumbucket.

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Cumbucket - slang

A female(or male)who loves holding cum within their holes. They are the human equivalent of a spermbank.
In other words they are a Holly Betch

That chick over there has been nailed by like 15 guys at once
Yeah shes a total cumbucket.
That guy over there is such a man whore.
Is he a cumbucket?

👍143 👎73


Another word for slut.

Also used to describe a female or male who ingests abnormal quantities of male reproductive fluids.

She is such a cumbucket.

👍25 👎11


A bucket of cum, commonly used term for women like Paris Hilton.

"Did you see that chick doing a lineup at the last party? Total cumbucket"

👍325 👎181


Equivalent to "cum depository" meaning someone full of ejaculate because they are a slut.

Dude, that cumbucket has nailed like seventeen guys this semester.

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