Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Culley?

a way of measuring weight which is equal to 90kg (198lb)

I can deadlift over 1.5 culleys

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Culley - meme gif

Culley meme gif

Culley - video


Culley - what is it?

The act of a dog licking your arse and balls clean of peanut butter

His dog licked Culleys Peanut Dish for the 9th time that day

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What does "Culley" mean?

Under Roman law, was a type of death penalty imposed on a subject who had been found guilty of parricide. The punishment consisted of being sewn up in a leather sack, with an assortment of live animals including a dog, snake, monkey, and a chicken or rooster, and then being thrown into water.

His mother was MILF, he deserves a ceremonial poena cullei for killing her.

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Culley - what does it mean?

To be supicious

That guy is very culley

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Culley - meaning

To be addicted and attached to cheese

I am very Culley with cheese

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Culley - definition

The cutest guy in the whole school. He's the one with the abs and biceps and athletic. Everyone knows him as being funny and super nice. He has the tendency to be rude at times but has a super big cock.

Damn, there goes that Culley! (Everyone says)

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Culley - slang

Culley can be a real bitch some times, but she's really nice when she's not a bitch. She falls for boys quickly and when she does it's hard to let go and if you mess with her heart you will be in hell forever. She has an awesome personality and is one of the bestest friends you could have. She cares about her friends and doesnt go talk shit about them behind their backs.

Culley is one of the most amazing friends you could have and will always be there for you!

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the most sexy and funny boy ever. I really love him and wish he was mine. usually has a giant cock

omg culley is so hot he is in myschool and i love him

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