Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cripsy?

it could be anything in between piecey, creasy, crunchy. pieces. good pieces

Cripsy1: "oh my god! that piece is crispy!"
Cripsy2: "Oh my gad, that's a crisp!"
Cripsy3: "Did you check the crisp on that piece?"
Cripsy4: "Did you check out that piece on that crisp?"
Cripsy5: "Eoooh, I'm on a piece"

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Cripsy - meme gif

Cripsy meme gif

Cripsy - video


Cripsy - what is it?

A very black boy that looks purple or very cripsy lookin

Boy1: how i look brah
Boy2: you look cripsy boy!!!

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What does "Cripsy" mean?

A car wreck involving several members of a street gang.

Three ambulances were called to a cripsy crunch, where there was blood, guts, and limbs scattered everywhere.

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Cripsy - what does it mean?

it's another new word for fresh it also a philly word

yo that nigga shoes is cripsy ass hell


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Cripsy - meaning


When a crippled person gets tipsy.

Guy 1: Oh shit bro, look at that cripsy nugent out there.

Guy 2: Well, I'll be damned. :')

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Cripsy - definition

The gangster way of saying tipsy and high at the same time.
almost like crunk.

Dawgg, I got sooooo cripsy last night niggah

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Cripsy - slang

A mixture of the two words 'creepy' and 'gipsy'. Trying to find a word to describe the impression they seem to make on the audience, the term was coined in 2007 by two self-conscious european musicians on tour. Until this day they are the only 2 people on the planet using the word on a daily basis. Often along with 'straw'.

This isn't an inside joke, it's a desease, and sooner or later you'll start using the word!

Cripsy 1: Ay cripsy, 't was a nice show eh?
Cripsy 2: Give me my part of the fee, lousy cripsy.
Cripsy 1: Straw. You should have played better.
Cripsy 2: You loooousy fucking cripsy...

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A dumb stupid person.

Oh my goodness! You're such a Cripsy!

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