Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cracker jack?

●A noun used to describe an action as "cool","dope","crazy",or "sweet".(Like the popcorn)

●A term also used for naive caucasian boys.

Friend:"I made out with Jennifer last night!"
You:"That's fucking cracker jack,man."

Douchebag Friend:"Probably got a acceptance letter to Harvard already"
You:"You're a cracker jack"

👍77 👎73

Cracker jack - video


Cracker jack - what is it?

Gather a group of friends around a cracker. Get everyone to fap and cum over it. Last one to cum has to eat the cracker and his buddies' semen.

My bro keeps losing at cracker jacking, not sure if that's good or bad.

👍35 👎17

What does "Cracker jack" mean?

A childlike white adult who can't think outside the box & is corny & sweet.Also when you dig deep inside you find a toy, something for children to play with.Or crackers term used for pale square people who (jack) culture, land,history,etc.

I told my son it's a little late for "CRACKER JACK" maybe tomorrow

👍99 👎95

Cracker jack - what does it mean?

A game where several men gather around a cracker (I always picture a stoned wheat thin) and furiously masturbate onto it. Whoever ejaculates first wins. By a similar token, the loser is he who ejaculates last. The loser must consume the cracker as a penalty for sloth.

I got the clap from losing a game of cracker jack in college.

👍179 👎191

Cracker jack - meaning

a handjob from a white person

"wow this becky with the good hair gave me a good ass cracker jack"

👍73 👎53

Cracker jack - definition

The practice of police "jacking up" white people in a black neighborhood.

Cop #1 " Sure is quiet today."

Cop #2 " Yeah. Let's go Cracker Jacking in the projects and kill some time."

👍43 👎21

Cracker jack - slang

A game played in which several males stand in a circle around a cracker and jack off. They all try to hit the cracker when they shoot, and whoever hits farthest from the cracker or shoots last, has to eat the cracker.

This cracker tastes rather salty.

👍313 👎261

Cracker jack

When somebody peeks down a girls shirt at her breasts, its like a little boy opening a box of cracker jacks to find the surprise at the bottom of the box.

Did you notice Alex was cracker-jacking Betsy at lunch today?

👍59 👎23

Cracker jack

A tasty treat consisting of popcorn, peanuts and a caramel candy coating. It's sold in old-school boxes (which come in a three pack) and although the primary consumers are young children, it's invariably located on the top shelf of the supermarket isle. Every box comes with a prize -- usually a little puzzle, temporary tattoo, or a valid Georgia driver's license.

Take me out to the ball game,
Take me out with the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack...

👍469 👎207

Cracker jack

when a black persons car gets jacked by a white person

hey DeAndre did you see Terrel get cracker jacked

👍39 👎11