Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Crabs?

Crabs has multiple meanings. It can mean a crustacean with two large pincers that lives in the sea.

Crabs is also slang for pubic lice.

Crabs is also used as a derogatory slang for Crips by Bloods and other gangs that have beef with the Crips.

Joey picked up the large crab from the rock pool.

Joey scratched his balls, that bitch Denise had given him crabs.

Blood 1: Yo nigga that Crab is giving us some dirty look from cross the street dude.
Blood 2: You right nigga gimme a blade imma fuck this Crab up.

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Crabs - meme gif

Crabs meme gif

Crabs - video

Crabs - what is it?

Lice that is called crabs when on humans. When on animals its called mange. It burrows into the hair follicle.

Crabs causes scratching, hair follicles bumpy from lice burrowing, hair falling out. Can be transmitted from toilet seats, from dog to dog, human to human, very contagious.

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What does "Crabs" mean?

A creature from the sea that makes its way to happy beach goers privates and attacks them with their snippy things. Snip snip. Snippity snip. Can be passed on through sex and the use of pubics. Hightly visible through clothes and other items to hide your bits due to their vast size. An STI with a purpose :)

Man: Alison whats that crawling up your leg?

Alison: Oh shit im getting crabs.

Man: Shit no sex for me, I have pubic.

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Crabs - what does it mean?

A crustaceous creature contracted after stealing an underaged girl's "P" at camp. You may think your cool at first until you begin to take on crab-like characteristics. Bubbling at the mouth, a redish coloration of the face, and even super-human aggression. The only way to rid these from your nutz is to stand on the bow of a boat while making a thrusting motion into a high powered fan.

John thought he was the shit after being called a pedifile at summer camp until he realized he had crabs all up in his ass.

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Crabs - meaning

An animal found at the sea.

Look at those crabs, Johnny.

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Crabs - definition

A derogatory remark used to disrespect the LA street gang Crips. In context with the crip handsign when both hands are throwing up crip they look like crab pinchers

Fuck slobs and crabs 74 GD for life!

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Crabs - slang

A disease that makes you hump desks, and seats.

A girl at my school humps the desk cuz she has crabs.

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1. Crabs: can be those tiny bug's that will infiltrate the pubis.

2. You can also describe a person for being being a Grumpy/Angry Shit.

1. damn those crabs *itch* so itchy *scratch*

2a): )"ยค()#(="/%&/# *walks away*
2b): Now what was that all about?
2c): He had crabs up his bum or someone put crabs in the toilet when he went for a shit.

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A sexually transmitted disease contracted through sleeping with the infected. It results in an infestation of pubic lice in your pubic region and it itches so bad you'll wish you were dead.

I got crabs now i want to die

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A parasite that lives in the pubic hair. The only cure is to shave off half of the pubic hair, light the other half on fire and stab the little bastards with an ice pick when they come running out.

"I got rid of those crabs but these scars will never heal"

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