Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Covil?

A female meth head that thinks she's totally funny and a bad bitch but in reality she is not.

"RawrXD Suuwoop 420"
Thot shut the f### up your not funny your a crystal covill! Even homeless Dennis is funnier than you!

👍27 👎17

Covil - meme gif

Covil meme gif

Covil - video


Covil - what is it?

- Large amount of work
- To work to the extreme
- To be givin large amounts of work due within a short period of time
- To use the words "Obviously", "Basically" or the phrase "of course" atleast 5 times each every hour and a half.

Man, tonight I have alot Covil to do.

👍31 👎19