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What is Clap Dem Cheeks?

When someone (usually a big gay) wants to grab your ass and make you feel horny and gay and wants to cum in your pp .

Faggot: Hey Tony, let me clap dem cheeks boy.
Tony: Hell no i am not a gay virgin like you

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Clap Dem Cheeks - video


Clap Dem Cheeks - what is it?

A threat to fight somebody and cause extreme levels of bodily harm.

If he tries me one more time, I'm going to have to clap dem cheeks.

👍131 👎241

What does "Clap Dem Cheeks" mean?

A command given to a female with a large buttocks telling them to make their ass clap, also used to define the action of slapping a females buttocks.

You:Clap dem cheeks, slut!
Slut:*clapping of buttocks*
You: Oh yeah! I'mma make dem cheeks clap girl!*Profuse slapping of females buttocks ensues.

👍231 👎109

Clap Dem Cheeks - what does it mean?

To engage in intercourse with a female from the rear while simultaneously striking her buttocks (i.e. "clapping").

Veronica has a tight ass, I want to clap dem cheeks

👍1115 👎251

Clap Dem Cheeks - meaning

To smack ones ass. Also meaning to have perform a sexual with another ones anus.

Dad- "Hey son let me Clap Dem Cheeks"
Son- "No Dad, My ass still hurts from last nights pounding."

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