Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Churkey?

Usually affiliated with women named Chrystal. Usually had a talent for bad acting and often thinks their gift of the gab will save them

“Okay… I have no idea Chrystal just pulled a churkey tin

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Churkey - meme gif

Churkey meme gif

Churkey - video


Churkey - what is it?

When you cum in a blender and blend it with your cock.

Samuel went to the E.R for doing a churkey turkey.

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What does "Churkey" mean?

A chicken egg which has been incubated by a turkey and hatches, however you do not want to tell it that it's adopted to create resentment problems and trust issues. So rename it a Churkey

Brian the turkey sat on some chicken eggs, they hatched and churkeys were born.

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Churkey - what does it mean?

It means chicken and turkey

guy1: hey you wants some churkey

guy2: sure

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Churkey - meaning

Nondescript white meat found in the freezer which could be either chicken or turkey. It may or may not be possible to tell on thawing.

What's for dinner tonight? There's some churkey in the freezer. Great, let's have churkey tikka masala.

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