Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chumlee?

another name for a roach.

save all the chumlees. we'll throw them in the bowl later

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Chumlee - meme gif

Chumlee meme gif

Chumlee - video


Chumlee - what is it?

The instant urge to shit uncontrollably. Similar to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

I got sick to my stomach the other day and The Chumlees hit me hard. I destroyed Kevin's bathroom in the heat of battle.

👍37 👎13

What does "Chumlee" mean?

Synonym for 'fucking idiot'.

Look at that guy eating soap. What a chumlee.

👍57 👎15

Chumlee - what does it mean?

A stupid mistake.

A derogatory term for a person who often fucks up.

The term, chemlee, is taken from the television show, "Pawn Stars." The nickname of Austin "Chumlee" Russel, a employee of the pawn shop. (According to the show's web page, Austin's elementary school friends took the name from cartoon character Tennessee Tuxedo’s sidekick, a walrus named Chumley.) Austin is a viewer favorite because of his entertaining fuck ups.

If someone were to put the Thanksgiving turkey in the oven but forget to turn it on thereby ruining Thanksgiving dinner....that person "pulled a chumlee."

Hey do you expect the bird to cook if you didn't turn on the oven!

👍285 👎75

Chumlee - meaning

A very crazy lad who went a little on the chum side

Very chum indeed hehe

Wow that guys a chum

Have u seen that chumlee guy

👍31 👎13

Chumlee - definition

The art of taking a shit

Well that was cool, Imma go take a chumlee.

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