Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chinzilla?

A creature so ferocious it destroys its own home and wrecks havok on its environment in fits of insanity. At 3" in height this devilish animal often tries to wage psychological warfare on its owners.

Nibbles was going nuts last night like someone gave him a mexican fence post

👍45 👎39

Chinzilla - video


Chinzilla - what is it?

Example #1: Somebody who's chin is so big they look like a cresent moon when they turn their head to the side.

Example #2: A person with a chin so big it's inhuman.

Example #1-

Person #1: Wow the moon looks really big tonight.

Person #2: Dude, that's not the moon it's just a chinzilla. See, it has hair.

Example #2-

Person: God, his chin is so big!

Other Person: I know, that's why we call him Chinzilla

👍41 👎23

What does "Chinzilla" mean?

The Act of Having A Humongous Chin. At least 1m Long

1. God that lee down the road is a chinzilla
2. Lee knocked his drink over again with his Humongous Chin
what a chinzilla

👍63 👎15