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What is Cherry-Poppins?

The Cherry Poppin Daddies are a swing, ska, rock, and just about every other genre band from Eugene, Oregon. Formed in 1989, they are most known, not by name, for their only hit, Zoot Suit Riot.

The Cherry Poppin' Daddies have more than one song.

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Cherry-Poppins - meme gif

Cherry-Poppins meme gif

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Cherry-Poppins - what is it?

A game in which two or more individuals pass a cherry lit pipe around in a clockwise direction. Once the cherry is lit the group passes the pipe until someone lets the cherry go out. That individual is then deemed "Cherry Poppins", and must then proceed to pack the next bowl.

Pack that shit Cherry Poppins!!!
Jerry let the cherry go out. He's a Cherry Poppins legend.
Bro, for the party this weekend make sure you invite a lot of known Cherry Poppins so we can smoke for free!

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What does "Cherry-Poppins" mean?

Female that takes on an alternative ego relating to the majestic "Mary Poppins" in today's new age. Regularly wearing form fitted skinny jeans high heel pumps and always strutting her shit with Pink hair, hence that Cherrie! Sexy vibrant fierce confident woman nothing less who will own any room she walks in. Bitches be jealous, "Cherrie Poppin$" is that bitch you should be jealous of. Woman wish they were her, men wish they had her!

She must be that female that call "Cherrie Poppins"

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Cherry-Poppins - what does it mean?

Red 89' Honda Civic, sick exhaust, breaks down ocasionally.

"Lets go for a cruise in Cherry Poppins"

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Cherry-Poppins - meaning

when a male sticks his erection into the females vagina for the first time and she bleeds to like DEATH.

Dayum. When I fucked dat there bitch. I popped her cherry so fucking bad yo. There was blood everywhere. Like all on the walls and shit brah. Now they call me cherry poppin' daddy.

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Cherry-Poppins - definition

V. grinding all of the tobacco out of a cigar/cigarette by using a tool and shoving it up the cigar/cigarette making the tobacco become loose and having it fall out. Then having the cigar/cigarette just how it is without the tobacco making it accessable to load with bud/marijuana/ganja/ etc.

Man, i got that fat swisher. now i just gotta start Cherry Poppin it and get the blaze sesh goin

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Cherry-Poppins - slang

The act of receiving a bath tub hand job.

For his thirtieth birthday, all Josh wanted was a cherry poppins.

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Commonly used term to reffer to breaking the wall of a womens vagina. (virginity)

"KENNY! Who knew he could get some?"

"what do you fuckin mean?"

"he went out cherry poppin'last night!"

"oh, snap!"

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To lose one's virginity, particularly applying if you're a chick.

Cherry poppin is messy fuckin work.

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Having sex with your nanny or babysitter.

A euphemistic reference to the timeless classic film of nanny Mary Poppins.

Iā€™m getting a divorce. Found out my husband is doing a Cherry-Poppins.

Growing up I always got a little cherry-poppins on mom and dadā€™s date night.

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