Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Checo?

Sergio Perez- Formula 1 Driver for Red Bull Racing. Often referred as the Mexican Tyre saving god , and has a lot of rear, according to Lewis Hamilton.

He(Checo Perez)'s got so much rear- Lewis Hamilton

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Checo - meme gif

Checo meme gif

Checo - video


Checo - what is it?

Displaying poor sportsmanship, Purposely spinning out in Monaco so your team mate ended up having to start lower on the grid preventing max from and others from final qualifying laps,

Checoing, someone who puts them self first with Malice

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What does "Checo" mean?

A Formula 1 Driver who has a lot of rear

He(Checo Perez)'s got so much rear! -Lewis Hamilton

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Checo - what does it mean?

a person who makes you very happy and make girls wanna get naked and do the tango.

1. " i waiting for my clothes to dry"
2. " where are your clothes?"
1. " ......... in my bath tub."
2. " hahaha, your such a checo."

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Checo - meaning

An old and busted f1 driver. He will be forever in his teammates shadow. Heโ€™s another Valerie Boatass

Taco: Have you heard of Checo?

El Pakkas: Ya. Heโ€™s old and busted!

Taco: Thatโ€™s the same thing I heard!

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Checo - definition

Someone who has fiddlestick legs. (legs are hella skinny)

Looks like checo is eating grass again.

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Checo - slang

A very cool and handsome person who everybody likes and cannot be held accountable in court for any โ€œviolentโ€ or โ€œsadisticโ€ crimes.

1. โ€œMy friend is such a checoโ€
2. โ€œIm so checoโ€
3. โ€œThe police donโ€™t have enough evidence to incriminate checoโ€
4. โ€œThatโ€™s a checo momentโ€
5. โ€œThe demons told me toโ€

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Someone who is called Sergio in Mexico its like for Jose is PePe or Jesus = Chuy, Alejandro= Alex

"Hey Checo Come over here fool!"
"Hay voy guey esperame"

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