Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chapa?

An utterance exclaimed when underlings are driving you crazy.

Appa chapa choo! For the love of gracious people, sit down and chill out.

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Chapa - what is it?

La chapa is a female that takes actions like a boss. She holds a powerful amount of loyalty and love for her family and no matter what she will get what she needs done to go high in life she will hold it dowm for you but if you mess with a "chapa" the wrong way theres no telling what could happen.

"la chapa" is a blessing,she alwsys come though when i need her most.

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What does "Chapa" mean?

A mexican guy fucking a mexican chic in the ass, then wiping his dick on her upper lip to accent her mustache.

Is that a Dirty Chapa, or didnt you shave your upper lip today??

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Chapa - what does it mean?

a generally overbearing friend who just won't leave you alone. even though you've tried very hard to get them to go by verbal and/or physical abuse.
see synonyms at "goosegog"

quick! make a distraction so we can get away from that chapa!

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Chapa - meaning

In Spanish gay slang, an instance of sexual intercourse, typically between a male prostitute (chapero) and his customer.

QuΓ©, tΓ­o, nos hacemos una chapa?

What then, mate, shall we have a shag?

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Chapa - definition

A friend named sonia that won’t leave Rachel alone! And she does drug deals on the low!

El chapa is really annoying Rachel

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Chapa - slang

Chapa is the Spanish version of "shawty" it pretty much means the same thing. Its "chaparrita" but shortened which in Spanish means short girl, kinda like a nickname for ur daughter or loved one. Chapa is a name for ur bottom bitch or even a sexy broad walking down the street. This term is commonly used among the Mexican-Americans, Whitexican-Americans, Blackxican-Americans and others that live around the brown people in the west and south side of Phoenix.

bottom bitch: ayee cariΓ±o, what you want me to cook up before you come from work today?

pimpin: damn chapa, you, some strawberry's and some whipped cream sounds good to me.

bottom bitch: ay papi, you sure know how to get a bitch wet.

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In spanish/Dominican terms this word means big ass. Chapa is known more as a slang word, also recognized in the song "Mena tu Chapa" translated in to English- " shake that Chapa/ass"
This song has gone viral for Spanish viewers.

"Menea tu Chapa" belongs to the Dominican artist known as Wilo d nuevo/new.

Damn ma bend that chapa over!

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