Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Chaos Legion?

A band of tank fish (master of virginity, roblox youtuber.) sponsored toxic fucking legends that give 0 shits about you and will raid your game with no reason to.

A virgin: “Aw fuck. John, the chaos legion raided the game again.”
John, secretly in the chaos legion: “G O O D.”

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Chaos Legion - video


Chaos Legion - what is it?

One of the best Legions out there, a Swedish legion that defies art. Only true men and woman take their place in Chaos Legion.

Through chaos a legion is born...

Is this Chaos Legion or something? They all turn into amazing fighters.

👍29 👎15

What does "Chaos Legion" mean?

an unearthy force that is summon by sacrificing strays souls

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