Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ceir?

A name meaning dark or pitch black. Loosely derived from Keiran. People with this name tend to be artistic and seclusive. They may have a sad or scary past, and this haunts them often, but they can hide it well with their sarcasm and mysterious tendencies.

"Hi my name is Ceir"
"Hey Ceir"

👍37 👎13

Ceir - meme gif

Ceir meme gif

Ceir - video


Ceir - what is it?

Ceire,she is hot,sexy and has great legs,stands up for her friends,she won't take rubbish from anyone,Ceire is bubbly and has many personalities and is great fun with the boys

Damn I wish I was Ceire,cause then maybe people would think I was cool.

👍105 👎25