Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ce-Ce?

A young girl with an amazing personality that everyone can't help but to love her. She chooses to befriend males rather than females. A Ce-ce has tons of friends that would never think of leaving her. Ce-ce's tend to be attractive to everyone. All Ce-ce's have the super power to know what someone's feeling. Never mess with a Ce-ce or you will surely find yourself in a world of pain. When you see a Ce-ce, her image will be locked in your memory forever. Falling in love with a Ce-ce is unavoidable. However Ce-ce's do not fall in love with anyone. The consequences of having feelings for a Ce-ce are terrible. Never leave her side, she will help you through all obstacles and create wonderful memories throughout your friendship.

DAMN, look at Ce-ce! :D

👍529 👎121

Ce-Ce - meme gif

Ce-Ce meme gif

Ce-Ce - video

Ce-Ce - what is it?

Derived from Uzbekistan's latin translation of "Hey fine thang, why don't you come on over and teach me experimental astrological physics and theoligy?", it was eventually condensed to "Hey..."

Literally translated in the Greek, it means Ta-Ta, but it's all a complex fabricated nickname anyway, so we won't go into that

How are you doing, Ce-Ce?

👍145 👎127