Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Cayo?

Grand Theft Auto Online’s Island Heist. The supreme moneymaker. Active solo players of this heist are the richest legitimate players in the game.

“Hey man can you help with this prep?”

I can’t right now I’m running Cayo Perico.”

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Cayo - meme gif

Cayo meme gif

Cayo - video


Cayo - what is it?

something your poor friend needs a cayo

hey bud i need a cayo

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What does "Cayo" mean?

Cayo Precio Heist

A new Heist in GTA that has saved the game from death

Yo wanna hop on and play the new Cayo Precio Heist?

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Cayo - what does it mean?

great googly-moogly! the most shagadelic way to economize

I'm gonna bill cayo my micro homework after school today.

👍25 👎11

Cayo - meaning

A heist in grand theft auto 5 that is ez as fuk cuz u steal fing steal another fing, boat and leave islandds

Friend that I don’t have: L
Me: cayo perico.
toggaf k :dneirF
Me: k no i have tequila nvm call me when u get pink diamond

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Cayo - definition

A snobby Hispanic (specifically from Venezuela) who hates anything that has to do with the United States of America. Best way to deal with this kind of man is to take a Bazooka and fire it straight in between those proud Lation huevos of his.

You're such a Cayo

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