Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Catch these hands?

The hand you don't use while masturbating. 'Catch hand' applies when in the slightly unfortunate situation where you masturbate past the point of no return, but suddenly realise that you don't have a tissue. Or a sock. Or a girlfriend!

Mike: Oh my god what happened your hand?
Joe: Never mind, its only my catch hand!
Mike: That is disgusting Joe

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Catch these hands - video


Catch these hands - what is it?

This is the beating that gets delivered to a loser specifically for being a fucking loser. In general, these are polo shirt wearing rich boy suburb tough guys that pretty much deserve the beating anyway. It’s better when a girl delivers it.

Yo Tara! This telephone tough guy over here is prancing around with a purple martini and gave me a shoulder. You wanna take care of this???

WHAT! Is that a performance fleece? This kid is about to Catch Hands.

Tara proceeds to bear the shit out of this kid, steal his fleece and throw it in a dumpster after she kicks him while he’s down.

Kid caught hands.

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What does "Catch these hands" mean?

1.Ask someone to fight

2.Go up to someone and start beating their ass.

"Catch my hands,let's go"

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Catch these hands - what does it mean?

Calling Someone out to fight

"Come catch my hands after school bitch ass hoe "

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Catch these hands - meaning

Get punched

Ur about to catch some hands if you don't stop.

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Catch these hands - definition

Warning someone that they're gonna fight you

Bro don't piss me off, you tryna catch these hands

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Catch these hands - slang

When someone does something you don't like and/or makes you mad and you want to punch or slap them. Raising fists while saying this for optimal results.

Sibling: *Smacks arm and runs away*
You: "Finna catch these hands!"

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Catch these hands

Term/phrase meaning to fight, or initiating an ass whoopn!

Say bro! you don't want catch these hands!

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Catch these hands

Fight me hoe

You bout to catch these hands boii

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Catch these hands

Fight; throwing down. Verbal assault to basically, meaning we 'bout to fight.

Person 1: "So my girl is better than yos, and she will-"
Person 2: "You 'bout to catch these hands."

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