Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Carpet bagger?

Someone who shaves a hoe's pubic hair, puts it inside a ziplock baggy, and sells it on eBay.

man that carpet bagger made over 100k this year. hes got some good pubies

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Carpet bagger - video


Carpet bagger - what is it?

A straight woman who for the sake of superiority declares herself a lesbian.

"Yeah, she claims she's fucking Dixie, but we know she's just a carpet Bagger."

👍93 👎143

What does "Carpet bagger" mean?

A married woman who routinely cruises gay clubs and hangouts for discreet female sexual encounters. She is typically unaware of pervasive subculture protocols.

Anne: Omigah! You have GOT to cut your nails and take off that promise ring before we go out, you look like a carpet bagger.

👍107 👎173

Carpet bagger - what does it mean?

Northern Yankee who moves to the south and takes jobs that were meant for southerners. Constantly talk about Bloomfield NJ.

Man that guy Ed Phillips is a major Carpet Bagger

👍31 👎13

Carpet bagger - meaning

a fucking yank who needs to stay on his own side of the mason dixon line.

You see that carpet bagger done come down from New York?
yeah shot me that feller, gonna hang 'im on me wall over thar

👍285 👎423

Carpet bagger - definition

1. Purveyor of goods which are not what they purport to be, north american post civil war.

2. Politician striving for popularity in a remote ward.

'gather round for I have a panacea for all ailments such as dropsy, feeble spirit and malingerance' The tale of the carpet bagger, Mark Twain 1875.

'Why the small meat guy? cialis viagra follow this link'

👍235 👎197

Carpet bagger - slang

In the post-US Civil War South, carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved to the South to take advantage of the unstable social, financial, and political climate. They were called "carpetbaggers" to imply that they were such poor, transient characters that they merely moved south carrying all their possessions in a carpet-bag. A carpet-bag, by the way, isn't a bag for carrying carpet, but a soft-sided suitcase or satchel made out of carpet.

Today, the phrase refers to someone who moves to a new location for opportunistic reasons.

Hillary is a carpet bagger.

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Carpet bagger

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy who is not from New Jersey, but moved into New Jersey so he could become Governor.

Phil Murphy is the living embodiment of carpet bagger.

👍33 👎15

Carpet bagger

A term used by ignorant, inbred, redneck motherfuckers who got outsmarted by a dude from up North

"Well gollee that doggum carpet bagger took advantage of my middle school education"

👍25 👎15

Carpet bagger

someone who acquires vast amounts of pussy

bro: Hey man whats good for tonight
dude: We are gonna go carpet bag like crazy
bro: aw yea man lets go bag that shit
dude: we're the carpet bagger's tonight

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