Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Can't Fight?

Dutch’s way of saying jumping off a high cliff would brutally kill you.

Dutch: you can't fight gravity
John: then give up Dutch!

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Can't Fight - video


Can't Fight - what is it?


Deji is a bum ass nigga who can't fight

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What does "Can't Fight" mean?

From Bob's Burgers: A special burger that comes on a challah roll

"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the You can't fight City Challah Burger, you should try it!"

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Can't Fight - what does it mean?

You cant fight corporate America! They are big and we are small! You can't fight city hall!

Thats Conglomo. They even own City Hall. And you know what they say! You can't fight city hall!

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Can't Fight - meaning

it is useless to clash with a politician or establishment, it is foolish to fight a battle that you can't win

After getting no support for the destitute for 10 years, I have learned you can't fight city hall.

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Can't Fight - definition

Phrase lifted from some song. It is now an allusion to the futility of trying to claim copyright on generic, pointless ideas, particularly within internet fandoms. Has something to do with purple dogs, swans with dogs shoved up their asses, and Maybe. We can't say for sure.

"Holy shit I came up with bat-winged transvestite raver Anubis stop drawing him"
"You can't fight the moonlight, baby."

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Can't Fight - slang

Unstoppable persuasion or force. You can't do it another way.

Friend: Why would you buy five candy bars?
Me: I only had a $10 and she only had a five. You can't fight Pacwoman, so.

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Can't Fight

Joseph Orange (anybody can beat his bass...even me)

Joseph Orange is such a ballsac face, he can't fight.

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