Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CLIT?

The most wonderful thing in the entire world. Short for clitoris. Wonderful to use during masturbation, even better when a guy does it. Can produce several orgasms in one session.

"I had 4 orgasms last night from playing with my clit."

👍1427 👎557

CLIT - meme gif

CLIT meme gif

CLIT - video


CLIT - what is it?

Bastardization of clitoris.

Located at the point where the labia (lips of the vagina) coverge at the top of the vagina. It usually is hidden beneath what looks to be a large fleshy nub called a hood. When stimulated or by pushing the pelvic tissue upward, it can be seen.

Extremely sensitive organ that produces immense amounts of sexual pleasure for most women. When properly stimulated, can induce multiple orgasms.

Marks women as the only animal on this planet with an organ designated solely for sexual pleasure.

Usually a must for most women during sexual intercourse. Most face to face positions allow for it to be "crushed" by flesh and pushed upward by thrusts via the male hips. Not suprisingly, most women find it difficult to orgasm in positions that do not allow for the stimulation of the clitoris without some hand to hand help.

A reasonable substitute for foreplay.

Formed from the same tissue as the head of the male penis.

God's bribe for childbirth.

There is almost nothing sweeter for a woman in this world than some good lovin' on her clit.

Screw the g-spot, go for her clit.

👍29899 👎10741

What does "CLIT" mean?

Just rub it

Lick my clit

👍193 👎47

CLIT - what does it mean?

The part of the female body that all guys should know about. When stimulated, especially by licking, a woman will have multiple oragasms. A man can cause a woman so much pleasure by licking her clit.

As he was searching her vagina for her clit with his tongue, she let out a moan.

👍1209 👎345

CLIT - meaning

The most sensitive part of a woman and the place she wants you to spend a lot of time on, rubbing and licking and kissing for her to have an orgasm.

The place many men who are not experienced ignore, thereby making women have to fake orgasm just to get it all over with as soon as possible.

Men who do not want to go down on a woman or are inexperienced and useless at sex will usually say 'All me ex girlfriends used to have orgasms easily. What's wrong with you?'

What is the difference between the Pub and a clit?

A man will always find his way to the Pub.

👍2925 👎439

CLIT - definition

Something that straight males can not find 9/10 times.

Bro he must not be able to find the clit by the way his girlfriend left him.

👍1095 👎111

CLIT - slang

A CLIT is one unit of a completed CraigsList Internet Transaction. CraigsList is the global online haven increasingly used by scammers, fraudsters and perverted criminals: a haven long- known for catering to the underbelly of human trafficking, recently forced by legal action to shut down part of their operation. However, more legitimate transactions are being flagged off the service, in favor of those posted by violators in various industries.

Mom: I posted our summer house on Craigslist, it keeps getting flagged and deleted, but Vito from work posted his house, and he actually sold within 2 weeks. I am steamed.

College Student daughter: Mom, don't you know, only mob linked people get business done with Craigslist. If you do any business you get a CLIT. Some guys have thousands of CLITs.

Mom: Wash your mouth out with soap, that's vulgar.

College Student daughter: That's what' I'm telling you, more than not ppl who use Craiglist are vulgar criminals. You're lucky it was flagged or else a CLITTER could have come to the house and raped you.

👍49 👎189


Common Long Island Trash. A female from that location in NY, usually a greaseball accompanied by a guido. The white nigger and kike broads aren't too far behind.

Watch out for the CLITs who congregate the 4:54 a.m. train to Babylon.

👍77 👎363


Acronym for "Combine LIke Terms." A process used in mathematics to solve for an unknown in an algebraic equation.

In order to solve the equation 2X +1 = 4X - 7, combine the constants ("like" terms) by adding 7 to both sides of the equation to give 2X + 8 = 4X, Then combine the unknown variables, that is, the first-order X-terms (like terms) and their coefficients by subtracting 2X from both sides of the equation to give 2X = 8. Dividing both sides by 2 gives X = 4.

The CLIT process can be used to solve more complex equations including but not limited to the quadratic solution derivation for second-order polynomials and the derivation of the Pythagorean theorem using similar triangles, the latter also providing the reason why the product of the means equals the product of the extremes.

👍93 👎129


Acronym for "come lick it tonight," referring mainly to the female genitals.

Yo boi, you gonna CLIT?

👍177 👎171