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What is CG5 Effect?

the CG5 effect is where a meme dies or falls under controversy after the YouTube music star CG5 (Charles "Charlie" Duncan Green V) makes a music video about a that meme. The first example of the CG5 effect was the CG5 song "Find Da Wae" a song about the Uganda Knuckles meme which saw a massive decline after the release of the song on YouTube in February. The most well know and most popular example of the CG5 effect was the Grimace Shake song that was instantly killed just days after CG5 made the song. Rest. In. Peace all of the the memes that were killed by the CG5 Effect

CJ: hey the new CG5 song has CG5 effect
MD: yeah the meme was soooo new

👍29 👎11

CG5 Effect - video
