Definder - what does the word mean?

What is CEd?

Coolest person to ever exist absolute pure epicness definition of awesome and cool cooler than motherfucking McDonald's fire and dinosaurs shotguns everything so awesome

Hey what's the definition of cool?


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CEd - meme gif

CEd meme gif

CEd - video


CEd - what is it?

1 a guy who secretly have sexy with women almost ninja like
2 a person with a sexually transmitted disease

3 what they call pimps from Charleston an North Charleston in South Carolina

4 father to Dee and Suzy Q

Hey you must be a ced with all they women you got.

Doesn't look good you might have ced.

I see you with her you must be trying to be ced,Yea I had to ced his ol'lady bad af.

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What does "CEd" mean?

Ced is so sexy , he's a chocolate type of sexy with waves , pretty skin , an loves to cuddle with his soulmate , Ced is loyal an all type of ways , he's funny , cute , and mean sometimes , he has a cute smile. He does'nt like when your talking about his girlfriend because he really loves her an cares a lot so you better not talk about her or he gone beat yo ass literally .

Ced is over protective

loving person
does'nt like rumors at all !

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CEd - what does it mean?

have a lot of money

I have a stum tel ced

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CEd - meaning

When your ex wife steals your money to spend on drugs for her bull dyke girlfriend.

That bitch kel-ced the fuck out of that bastard Caveman.

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CEd - definition

a massive fucking tory

β€œomg he’s such a CED”

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CEd - slang

Combination Eating Disorder

Someone with ced may have both anorexia and compelled eating among many other combinations of two or more

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The "Capacitance Electronic Disc" system, invented by RCA; also known as 'SelectaVision' and 'video records.'

RCA was trying to edge out the pre-existing VHS and LaserDisc formats, but ultimately failed in the long run. The format lasted from 1981 until 1986, and about 1700 titles were released on CED.

Movies came in large plastic caddies, which you inserted, as a whole, into a CED player, which disengaged the disc from the caddy when you pulled it back out (so you wouldn't touch the disc with your bare hands, which could cause disc damage.) A stylus picked up the audio/video data from the disc, which spun at 450 RPM.

To remove the videodisc, you simply push the caddy back into the player, and the disc re-engages itself in the caddy.

Like a CLV laserdisc, CEDs have one hour of content on each side... but you must remove and re-insert the disc upside-down, to continue playing (like with the early laserdisc players.)

If a film ran over two hours by a significant amount of time, it was released on a set of two CEDs. Otherwise, time compression was used to fit the movie onto one disc.

The estimated life of a CED videodisc is 500 playings. Not too bad.

CEDs are some of the quirkiest, coolest retro technology you'll ever come across!

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Used as a replacement for Cuss/Swear word's on message board forum's. Ced(moderator) had the shortest name and so became the standard for self censorship.

I am <ced> faced.

You stupid

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The man. The myth. The legend.


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