Definder - what does the word mean?


Can be a really snotty brat and ignore whatever you are talking about, saying “that’s not important”. But when she has to talk about the same thing, the whole world needs to stop for her. She is the queen of ‘me land’ and nobody will even be able to break through to her that most people don’t give a crap about what she says.

Sophia: I can’t believe he asked me out!!!
Carleena: Yes we all know he asked you out, many people get asked out everyday, it doesn’t even matter.
Sophia: It matters to me...

👍31 👎23

CARLEENA - meme gif

CARLEENA meme gif

CARLEENA - video


CARLEENA - what is it?

Super fun and always willing to listen to what you have to say.

"Wow! It felt really good to spill that all out! Thanks, Carleena!"

👍41 👎15