Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ButtHurt?

One of the best ways to show how utterly devoid of intelligence you are and how you follow childish social media trends is to use this stupid phrase.

'oh youre getting all'

'im just going to collect my flame thrower i'll be back'

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ButtHurt - meme gif

ButtHurt meme gif

ButtHurt - video


ButtHurt - what is it?

When or after eating something hot, spicy. When your ass just wont stop shitting, When its just not normal shit, just like mudbutt, soupass, waterfalls. When it hurts when wiping.

Man i ate them tacos last night before i went to bed, i woke up with butthurt

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What does "ButtHurt" mean?

To feel as if you've been kicked in the ass by a steal-toed boot.

The etymology of the word stems from the ancient Greeks observing a descrepit puppy being kicked in the bum by an unwelcoming shop owner. Once a well placed kick has contacted the said bumhole the puppy will run off crying with its tail between its legs.

By declining to have lunch with me, Tim made me feel all butthurt.

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ButtHurt - what does it mean?

When someone gets gets angry or respond negatively to someone's opinion or action

Gabbie fans got Butthurt when RiceGum released a diss track on her.

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ButtHurt - meaning

ButtHurt is a street slang word pertaining to and / or.
He want to get with her but now he is ButtHurt.

Meaningshe just dist him off.

Hey sweetie wanna get bizzy?

Well fuck you numbnuts.
He is now ButtHurt at the rejection.

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ButtHurt - definition

when somebody like a troll for example wants to sound like it's not that big of a deal just because he doesn't want to be acccused for doing something horrible he'll call his victim this word as an excuse for his offenses

troll: wow you're really butthurt over 9/11? people died so what lol u mad? i know you are because you can't say that calmly

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ButtHurt - slang

getting your feelings hurt, or getting all bent out of shape.

He got all butt hurt when she wouldnt give him a ride.

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When someone takes a joke to heart and is very offended over something that is not a big deal.

Anthony and Austin are playing a game and Anthony beats Austin. Austin then gets angry and leaves the party because he is butthurt

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When you or someone gets really angry over nothing.

My friend got butthurt for missing a shot in call of duty.

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An inappropriately strong negative emotional response from a perceived personal insult. Characterized by strong feelings of shame. Frequently associated with a cessation of communication and overt hostility towards the "aggressor."

Adam got butthurt when Mike stole his bitch.

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