Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bro-core?

Anything and everything that is gay. (More specifically relating to hardcore dancing)

"Yeah, hardcore dancing is all about bro core."

"So you all are fags?"

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Bro-core - what is it?

Someone who is extremeley bro. A label for someone who is bro, someone who represents anything like an absolute tool. It is based on clothing, ways of speaking, how one presents oneself, and most importantly by how hard one tries, futilely, to be cool. It is also a spoof on the army commercials: Only the few, the proud, the BROS at their very core have what it takes to be "BRO CORE".

Only the few, the proud, the BROS at their very core have what it takes to be "BRO CORE".

👍171 👎133

What does "Bro-core" mean?

hardcore scene bros.

Generally kids with stretched ears anywhere from an inch to two inches. Bro core kids generally have buzzed heads and wear camo shorts And often listen to bands like Terror, 100 Deamon's and first blood. Often seen with x's on their hands signifying there straight edge life style.

👍99 👎59

Bro-core - what does it mean?

Someone who goes to shows/concerts, (usually Emmure fans) dressed like they're going to play Basketball.
They often times adopt a "gangster" demeanor, and will go out of their way to spin-kick, and 2-step towards you.
They're usually the semi-obese male with the crappy tribal tattoos and the fitted cap.
Always in possesion of their cigs, gym shorts, nike dunks worth more than their exsistence, brass knuckles they bought at a mall, generic band tee.
Bro-core kids will most likely be in a group, so if one of them moshes into you, prepare for a "fight" with anywhere from 2 to 67 other bro-core morons.

Chris: Dude, that show last night was sick!
Steve: Yeah, except for those bro-core assholes who kept slamming into us.
Chris: Leave 'em alone, that's what happens when retarded gangsters steal instruments.

👍35 👎13