Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bri ish?

Idolises Bri Bella and has similar traits. Likes her theme song and very familiar with going into Brie Mode

Also know as Bri like

Wrestling Fan: “I’m very Bri ish”

Wrestling Fan 2: “I could tell with how drunk you were last night”

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Bri ish - video


Bri ish - what is it?

People who say "Americans gettin shot in skewl"

"Oi bruv were Bri ish on chewsdays and chersdays and without the t because the yankees dropped in the riva"

I fucking hate Bri ish people

👍85 👎19

What does "Bri ish" mean?

To express your homosexuality through an accent

This is a discord meme only mods and bri-ish people would understand.

👍167 👎91

Bri ish - what does it mean?

ironically european, as opposed to irish, unironically european, and woman, unironically female

bri ish

👍29 👎19

Bri ish - meaning

A bunch of losers

Hey look it’s Gary

Eww he’s bri ish

👍37 👎29

Bri ish - definition

self explanatory, Bri ish is a word Americans use to make fun of how british people say 'British' as we miss out the T

British person; man are you British?
American person; Bri ish? tf is that?😂😂😂
British people:😐

👍51 👎19

Bri ish - slang

"British" pronounced in a British accent.

Hello there chap, I'm a bri ish person from London!

What the fuck is bri ish?

👍105 👎41