Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Brah'?

Hawaiian Pidgeon Talk for friend.

Orgin: 60's Hawaii

in kauai my cousin started it! ha!

"Tanks Brah"

👍2005 👎1221

Brah' - meme gif

Brah' meme gif

Brah' - video


Brah' - what is it?

Short for 'braddah.' Origin: Hawaiian pigeon english, 1960's and later. Meaning: My brother/ close associate/ cousin/ or Kama'aina (person FROM HAWAII). NOT used with outsiders unless they are close friends or have SOLID knowledge of Hawai'i and its culture (except jokingly, offensively). Inappropriate use by outsiders may result in 'false crack' or scorn. Best avoided by mainland haoles during break-in phase (your first 25 yrs in Hawaii).

What, brah, you get rollin' pepa? (I lost my Zig-Zags by the bus stop. With the correct answer you could benefit from my predicament)
Eh brah, watchout! (Hey you - Look out!)
Brah, you always frickin' LATE. (Your frequent tardiness is getting on my nerves)
Brah, try stan' up. You all bus' arreddy. (It's time to go home, my friend.)

👍1147 👎619

What does "Brah'" mean?

Feeble attempt made by caucasians to sound hip when calling the attention of the bouncer who happens to be black

Can I get in ? Brah brah . . .You know me don't 'cha ?

👍69 👎103

Brah' - what does it mean?

The Hawaiian equivalent of "Bro".....much cooler.

"Ho brah, try pass me the manapua"

👍2219 👎1087

Brah' - meaning

This is the slang term for "bro" which is slang for brother..a slang inside a slang 8) THIS ORIGINATED IN THE STATE OF HAWAII! for those who think that it originated in southern california or where ever, your are miss informed. It is the pigeon (english-hawaiian slang) word that is used state wide in Hawaii not only by surfers but by all people born and raised in hawaii of all racial groups. and it pains me when i hear cali haole tourist say it.

sup brah
howsit brah
a' brah we go beach
ho brah where you stay

👍7355 👎2221

Brah' - definition

white chick trying to sound legit, when giving props to a black homie

"brah brah lets pound 40oz" - Sheryl Sharkey

👍85 👎95

Brah' - slang

your homies, friend, folks, loved ones. Term of endearment. Originated in Bay Area.

What it do brah brah?

👍193 👎93


a semantically nondescript reiteration of the word brah, with props to the emphasis of "brah," being that it is, the greater of the two terms.

Used frequently in Oakland, CA

"Come on brah brah!"

👍101 👎31


He is Hercules Mulligan. Up in it, lovin' it. Yeah, he heard your mother say come again.
Lock up your daughters and horses.
Although, it's hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets.

*Daveed and Anthony laugh*
Oak: Lock up ya daughters and horses. Although, it's hard to have intercourse over four sets of corsets.
*Daveed and Anthony stop laughing*
Daveed: Wow.
Anthony: NO MORE SEX, PoUr Me AnOtHeR bReW, sOn.

👍25 👎11


Some Xat thing someone started saying to be cool and what not.

Started with one guy, then its up to a lot of people.

Me: That's really cool, brah'

Him: I know, right brah'

👍29 👎29