Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bouncing?

The moment when you are kicked out of a nightclub by bouncers

"oh man, I was so drunk at the club last night. I got bounced and had to get a taxi home"

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Bouncing - meme gif

Bouncing meme gif

Bouncing - video

Bouncing - what is it?

to leave or exit; bouncin - the act of leaving or exiting.

"It's late, I'm gonna bounce."

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What does "Bouncing" mean?

1.) To depart.
2.) To have an air of style, fashion, progressiveness, coolness, hipness, spunk, and moxy.

1.) I am getting a bit tired of this party, let's bounce.
a. Others may not see it but I think that Anna has bounce.
b. "We've got more bounce in California than all y'all combined." from the song by Soul Kid #1 "More Bounce"

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Bouncing - what does it mean?

A military term used by Robert A. Heinlein in his first-rate novel Starship Troopers, it is synonymous with the more commonly used phrases of on the ball and on your toes. In other terms, it means being in a state of readiness and awareness, and usually involves thinking one step ahead.

Sarge was really cracking down this week, so our squad had to be on the bounce 24/7.

My nephew's chess skills have dramatically improved, so whenever I play him I have to be on the bounce if I really want to win.

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Bouncing - meaning

v. to exit a location/situation. The letter "z" is often added to make the term even more ghettofied.

"Aight, this shit is whack, I'mma bizounce.

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Bouncing - definition

(Verb) To abscon; split; flee from persecution and/or prosecution.

"They told Nikki that he must turn himself in for not following the proper protocol of his release from jail which called for an undetermined amount of drug piss tests weekly that he was supposed to pay for. The judge, the court, damn near everybody making bank there but Nikki, and that mutha fucka ain't had a steady job in years. Y'know Nikki wasn't about none of that fucking bullshit so he decided to bounce on em, so he split and disappeared, went off the radar. Yeah, 'Fuck The Police' is what he said.

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Bouncing - slang

to leave and go do something better, go somewhere else.

Lets bounce outta here.

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As in the individual bounce of each ta ta or have two boobies simultaneously bounce in da err

1. I went to the club last night and boy there was bounce bounce.
2. When I see bounce bounce there better be titty ass hands in da err.

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An urban sport in which involves throwing objects (preferably bouncy balls) at people, signs, other vehicles and then yelling a witty catch phrase out as you drive off. NOTE: Best done with one person as the driver and another in the back seat doing the throwing and yelling

Last night me and the Yugo went out bouncing. We hit this bogan and he ran after us yelling, "Come on ya cunt!"

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Bouncing is when two particularly amusing individuals coordinate impeccably to deliver outstanding humour, by alternating in conversation and playing off each others 'gags'.

Girl 1: That Angus and James' humour is so in sync
Girl 2: I know they've been bouncing off each other all night
Girl 3: Im going to see if i can interupt them and try and get with them
Girl 4: Not if i do first
Girl 2: Lets just all get with them simultaneously

Other three girls: you always were the brains of the group

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