Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bottomless Pit?

A bottomless pit that is full of money. What some in government think they have when it comes to doing things.

George W. Bush thinks he has a bottomless money pit so that he can do anything he wants. This is the main reason we have such high deficets.

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Bottomless Pit - video


Bottomless Pit - what is it?

noun/adjective- the worst, most painful, most hopeless, never-ending situation one could ever find themselves in, usually pertaining to a relationship with a female.

"I haven't seen Mark in 3 weeks!"
"Yeah, he met this girl and fell into a bottomless pit of flaming snakes."

👍39 👎15

What does "Bottomless Pit" mean?


Die in a bottomless pit. Oh shit!

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Bottomless Pit - what does it mean?

(n.) A situation of eternal decay.

Spains' )then the worlds' richest country) economy fell into a bottomless pit at the end of the sixteenth century, from which it never fully recovered.

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Bottomless Pit - meaning

An endless hole with no bottom.

When you fall into a bottomless pit, you die of starvation

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Bottomless Pit - definition

When a girl has had multiple sexual partners and her genitalia has lost its shape or tightness.

Bob: "Damn Timmy, Shaneq was so loose man. Never hitting "that" again."
Timmy: "Haha, was she a bottomless pit mate?"
Bob: "Yeah. Tell me about it!"

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Bottomless Pit - slang

An infinite amount of something; never ending list.

"Space is literally a bottomless pit of stars"

👍29 👎13

Bottomless Pit

a REALLY deep vagina

My Bitch has a bottomless pit, its fuckin awesome

Fuck off

Why the fuck did you search this up

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