Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Botheration?

Wen sum 1's chattin a laod of shit that u dnt really give 2 fucks about u jus say bothered or does this face look bothered then simply walk of, alternatively you could say wotever minger

Random person: U'll never guess what happened last weekend blah blah blah
Me: Does this face look bothered
R.P: yes
Me: Wotever minger

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Botheration - meme gif

Botheration meme gif

Botheration - video


Botheration - what is it?

Collective noun. A bother of Christians. taken in part from the term 'God botherer'

Sorry I'm late. A bother of Christians singing Jesus wants me for a sun beam held me up outside the super market!

👍99 👎75

What does "Botheration" mean?

the adjective for bother, to bother someone, to be bother by someone, to always bother someone.

She only likes us because of our botherness

👍31 👎11

Botheration - what does it mean?

Someone or something that is aggravating. From the combination of the words "bother" and "aggravation".

That guy keeps calling here! He is beginning to be a botheration.

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Botheration - meaning

a fun activity that involves running around a person and softly batting at them with your arms while saying "Bother bother bother."

"let's go bother snape!" "Yes, lets!"
"Bother bother bother bother!"

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Botheration - definition

hot and bothered.
in the mood.
also bothering

"i have to go, you bothered me"

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Botheration - slang

A term used to describe the level to which an individual is affected by a situation or piece of information.

The level of BOTHERANCE which I experienced was 60%

There was a BOTHERANCE factor of 2/10 when I found out about him cheating on me.

👍57 👎13


Irish colloquial expression. To have no worries or problems about one's self. For something to not be a problem. To be unvexed by something.

Ah no bother about that.

That's no bother to me.

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When you go up to snape, push him repeatedly and yell "BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER"

Snape: Im snape, the potions master
Harry: the're he is, now lets go bother him
Harry: That was fun!
Ron: I like the part where he stopped moving!

👍71 👎35


n. An expletive so mild that it doesn't count as an expletive. Not recommended for those who don't want to appear affected, or at least a bit namby-pamby.

"Botheration! I just cut my wrist on a jagged shard of glass!"

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