Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Boras?

A bora is a girl that is extremely beautiful. Most people compare her to a goddess and others think she is actually a living goddess. She's funny, cute, beautiful and her personality makes her. Guys drool over her but she's always searching for the right one. Any guy is lucky to have this beautiful girl.

"I met Bora today and instantly fell in love"

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Boras - meme gif

Boras meme gif

Boras - video


Boras - what is it?

a beautiful girl with an awesome butt who is stubborn and feisty when you first meet her but once she warms up to you she is sweet and funny

"what do you think of the new girl?"

"I can tell shes a Bora already, and I mean, look at that ass!"

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What does "Boras" mean?

This is another name for a knife, when talking about the knife as a weapon to stab a person with .As in to 'bore' the person with your knife.

Ah shit man, I know this kid carries a bora.

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Boras - what does it mean?

strong European wind: a cold, dry, strong northeasterly wind that blows down the mountains of Central Europe and along the shores of the Adriatic

Bora knocked me on my ass today

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Boras - meaning

A person with great knowledge of everything that doesn't matter.

Bora has little feet.

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Boras - definition

A phrase, commonly used amongst backpackers, to make someone immediately change the language of their conversation into English, so it may be understood by everyone in a international gathering of people. The phrase was first used on the French Polynesian Island Bora Bora, which it also is named after.

Sven (in Swedish) : Jag gillar verkligen ost!
Greta ( Also in Swedish): Jag med! Men bara sΓ₯ lΓ€nge osten Γ€r miljΓΆvΓ€nlig!

Jimmy: Bora Bora!

Sven: Oh, sorry we were just talking about how Greta really likes smelly farts!

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Boras - slang

A greek sex god from 150 A.D.

Bora was known throughout the land in Rome in his time, for his numerous "encounters" with the ladies.

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She’s the most funniest and amazing person in the world! She is pretty and great to be around! She can be a savage or really nice! To have her as a friend is a blessing and honestly so great. She’s the best friend you’ve always wanted!

Person: Hey is that Bora?

Person #2: ya she’s lit

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the truth. often known as a waker of dreams. ancient legend speaks of one who walks with insight and sees things for what they are.

The way that professor spoke about religion was eye-opening, he was like a bora. psychic

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A fabulous island used for depressed souls ... wake me up wake me up inside

I went to bora bora before I'm dead

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