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What is Boob Squeeze?

National Squeeze Boob Month, a month where you can grab anybody (male or female)’s boobs with no concequences.

Timmy: *Grabs and squeezes Samantha’s booby.*
Samantha: Timmy what are you doing!?
Timmy: It is National Squeeze Boob Month silly!
Samantha: oh haha! *Squeezes Timmy’s nipple*

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Boob Squeeze - video


Boob Squeeze - what is it?

“Squeezing occurs when: There is clear indentation (e.g. dents, imprints, depressions, marks, etc.) on the female breast or clothing caused by curved fingers in a grabbing motion."

Did you see the updated FB policy on Boob Squeeze?

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What does "Boob Squeeze" mean?

Its the act of placeing hands upon a females breast and squeezing them for some nice action...a Boob Squeeze

Jim: Seriously, Jessica let him do that.

Mark: Yea she let him get a Boob Squeeze

Jim: Nicee

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