Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bona fide?

A person that is a complete self absorbed asshole and is concerned only about himself or herself

The in considerate driver was a bona fide ass prick.

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Bona fide - video


Bona fide - what is it?

a hot woman; a babe

That Jennifer Lawrence is a bona fide knockout

👍25 👎11

What does "Bona fide" mean?

Awesome, Legit, Thorough LOVING!
Making love!!!!!!
love shack baby love shack!

She gave me some Bona Fide Lovin' last night.

👍31 👎15

Bona fide - what does it mean?

a REAL bitch.

shes a bona fide bitch

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Bona fide - meaning

bush senior

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Bona fide - definition

1. adj. genuine.

2. adj. (slang) complete.

1. He's a bona fide French chef.

2. You're a bona fide idiot.

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Bona fide - slang

Legit, thorough, true

yo, am bona fide when it comes to hustlin son!

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Bona fide

Jamaican dialect

Refers to something or someone who is genuine or sincere.


From the Latin bonā fidē, the ablative case of bona fidēs.

She a my bona fide.

That's my bona fide friend right there.

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