Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bobo’s?

Filipino word that means you're beautiful and smart

Oh my! look at you you're so bobo.

👍445 👎85

Bobo’s - meme gif

Bobo’s meme gif

Bobo’s - video


Bobo’s - what is it?

noun. slang.

the breast of a woman. alternative noun for boob or breast.

Can I touch your bobo?

👍455 👎85

What does "Bobo’s" mean?

Bobo is a Filipino word that means smart or intelligent. It is really common to the Filipino people because they always say it.

Ang bobo mo.
Bobo ng katabi ko.
Bobo ka!

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Bobo’s - what does it mean?

A bobo is a term of adressing one who has performed a dumb or stupid act. Usually used as a term of endearment for friends.

you bobo! who told you to stick it in the ass

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Bobo’s - meaning

a name to call someone if you're disappointed with them

franchement bobo😤😤😤😤

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Bobo’s - definition

Someone cute.

He is such a bobo

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Bobo’s - slang

God bless you

mga bobo

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Bobo means love

Beejay is Bobo

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bobo is a ur very close friend. you guys are the only ones who can call eachother that tho. originally from bozo as calling people stupid but replace z with b for bestie!!

hey bobo, you free today?

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Inexperienced, clueless person.

Did you see those idiots take the double black diamond chair lift by accident? Those bobos are toast!

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