Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bo jackson?

Used, commonly in exclamation, when something unfortunate occurs, similar to bogus. Derived from the all-star baseball player of the same name, who often broke bats over his knee in anger over strike-outs.

You just lost your job? Bo jackson!

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Bo jackson - video


Bo jackson - what is it?

Bo Jackson... a.k.a. a blowjob, or BJ. To give or get oral satisfaction.

Damn son! You just got a Bo Jackson from that Bitch?!?!

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What does "Bo jackson" mean?

getting drunk to the point that you Black Out(B.O.) When you start a heavy night of drinking, it is said that BO Jackson is gonna hit you with his bat, or take you out in full football gear, thus rendering you BlackOut. When asked what happened the night before, one can respond with the popular Bo Jackson phrase, "BO Knows."

"Yo I don't remember anything from last night! I was straight BO Jackson!"

"You were wasted last night! Did Bo Jackson pay you a visit?"

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Bo jackson - what does it mean?

Possibly the blackest white guy you'll ever meet. This guy thinks he's thug-nasty. He's that guy known in the town for earning his "red wings" or setting off fireworks in lockers. Can be identified by the genital blood around his mouth.

"Is that period blood on your face?" - Person 1.

"Yes..." - Person 2.
"Oh, you must be Bo Jackson." - Person 1

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Bo jackson - meaning


see also: greatest human ever, living or dead.

bo jackson?

bo knows.

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Bo jackson - definition

Sexual position where the mans penis is in the girls anus while his testicles are in her vagina. Two sports at the same time. Sometimes referred to as the Dion Sanders.

That girl was so drunk last night that she let me give her a Bo Jackson. Yessssssssss!

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Bo jackson - slang

(verb): To break something, i.e. in the way that Bo Jackson would break bats over his knee or over his shoulders. The term can be used to describe the act of intentionally breaking things as well as accidentally breaking something. Other forms: bo jacksoned (past tense), bo jacksoning (present continuous tense).

bo jacksoned (adjective): broken

"If you don't knock it off with that annoying saxophone, I'm gonna bo jackson it."

"What do you mean you didn't do it? Dude, I stood there and WATCHED YOU bo jackson every piece of my stemware!"

"Yo, which one of you clowns bo jacksoned my coffee pot and didn't tell me? There's coffee ALL OVER the place!"

"When she cheated on him, it really bo jacksoned his self-esteem."

"I need to get a new umbrella. This one is bo jacksoned from the wind."

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Bo jackson

Ghetto slang for money, as in dollars.

"Yo pass me them 10 bo jackson's ya owe me."
"Nigga please..."

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Bo jackson

Greatest athlete of all time. Played as an all star in both pro baseball and pro football until a hip injury ended his career.

Yeah he's good, but he's no fuckin' Bo Jackson

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Bo jackson

When someone poops and cums in their pants at the same time.

Yo, Carl pulled a Bo Jackson last night at the strip club!

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