Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Blazzin?

Staring at a person for an unusual amount of time

What dumb bitch stop blazzin me for hoe

👍25 👎11

Blazzin - meme gif

Blazzin meme gif

Blazzin - video


Blazzin - what is it?

he is a man of all types of things thats why i luv him as a rapper and i will luv him as my future man and kids father and in the fututer i hope to be a R&B singer on g-unit i already got g-unit tatoo on me thats how much i luv them

luv your song smile

👍27 👎73

What does "Blazzin" mean?

blizzin+blazzin=Blizzin Blazzin

Chilling with the Blizzin Blazzin Yo!

👍35 👎15

Blazzin - what does it mean?

an asian-american who influences the teen asian way of life; show them how we do

-good sense of style.
- good sense of music of all kinds.
-extactic, energetic, asianly cute, helpful, friendly, loves food.
-fans of Big Bang, 2NE1, SHinee, Bi Rain, SNSD, WonderGirls, etc. (k-pop, J-pop, C-pop,etc.)

If you know a blazzin'azian', most likely they are part of a local cru of some sort.

damnn, hes/shes a blazzin' azian'

👍55 👎23