Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bitcheses?

More than 2 bitches.

Bitcheses is a term of endearment for a male to use in reference to people in his life, especially those close to him, most likely his party posse. The term is not gender specific.

Bitcheses can also be used in emotional outbursts when emphasis is required.

Melanie is a bitch.
Melanie and Cathy are bitches.
Melanie, Cathy, Delena and Katie are bitcheses (bitch-e-ses).

Nascar fan happy with his driver's performance: "Ford Power, bitcheses (bitch-e-ses)!!"

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Bitcheses - video


Bitcheses - what is it?

A mental illness that is best described as either a sudden or consistent wave of loneliness and despair often caused by a lack of female presence in a manโ€™s life - physical and/or online. While this sickness typically applies to males, anyone could test positive for it, and it can often come and go at random, abrupt times of the day or night. Symptoms are immediate drop of mood, drop of emotional energy and even physical energy, and a sudden drop in self-esteem. Treatments include hitting the gym, logging off social media platforms, or actually talking toโ€ฆ some bitchesโ€ฆ

โ€œHey bro! How are you feeling today!โ€

โ€œNot good man, Iโ€™ve caught a pretty rough case of No Bitchesitis (NBI).

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What does "Bitcheses" mean?

Multiple separate groups of bitches, not gender specific, in an area.

One: Bitch
Group: Bitches
Multiple Groups: Bitcheses

Steve: "Look at those bitches over there man"
John: "Steve this club is full of bitcheses we don't have to go for one group."

"Wow this place is full of bitcheses tonight"

"There some fine bitcheses in France man"

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