Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bitch Boy?

1. Hits 100k followers and forgets how to act
2. Nauseating God complex
3. Afraid of love

Cameron and I had a thing for a bit, but then he told me I wasn't a good look for his brand. Such a bitch boy!

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Bitch Boy - video


Bitch Boy - what is it?

Someone who is very obnoxious with low social standing who defaults to acting subservient to others. AKA someone's bitch

"Mash Greene you're my little bitch boy...and he was"

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What does "Bitch Boy" mean?

Bitch Boy
Can mean one of three things:

1. A derogatory term referring to a spoiled rich kid, who probably still lives with his mom.

2. The receiver in gay anal sex.

3. A whipped male who gets taken advantage of by females because he thinks that he can get pussy this way, but never does get pussy or gets it at a foolishly high price.

4. A double negative insult. The same as calling someone a bitch and a boy (not a man) at the same time.

5. Tubbo.

1. That stupid bitch boy never had to work for anything in his life.

2. Hey, it's Bill, tell Mark that it's his turn to be the bitch boy tonight.

3. Kai paid Jenn's credit cards off for her again. What a fuckin' bitch boy.

4. Hey motha fucka! why don't you say dat again in my face bitch boy!

5. Tubbo You Bitch Boy.

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Bitch Boy - what does it mean?

A bitch boy- a boy who moans and bitches about every little thing. You could say he’s a termagant boy.

β€œReece you’re such a bitch boy there’s no need to react in that way!!” β€œYou’re literally moaning over a roblox game!”

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Bitch Boy - meaning

Bitch Boy is a cunt that no one likes.

Oh look its a bitch boy no one fucking likes him.

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Bitch Boy - definition

a person who is ussually someones bitch, like a little slave peasent boy.

bob-hey bitch boy go get me some water!

bitch boy-yes sir.

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Bitch Boy - slang

When someone won't stop whining and complaining like a little bitch, Usually complaining at a video game.

"Oh my god, why am I so trash?? HOW AM I THIS THIS BAD"
"Stop being such a bitch boy Peter"

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Bitch Boy

Can mean one of three things:

1. A degrogatory term referring to a spoiled rich kid, who probably still lives with his mom.

2. The receiver in gay anal sex.

3. A whipped male who gets taken advantage of by females because he thinks that he can get pussy this way, but never does get pussy or gets it at a foolishly high price.

4. A double negative insult. The same as calling someone a bitch and a boy (not a man) at the same time.

1. That stupid bitch boy never had to work for anything in his life.

2. Hey, it's Bill, tell Mark that it's his turn to be the bitch boy tonight.

3. Kai paid Jenn's credit cards off for her again. What a fuckin' bitch boy.

4. Hey motha fucka! why don't you say dat again in my face bitch boy!

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Bitch Boy

A male who is a sissy or submissive that like's getting his ass fucked, usually by a dominant woman wearing a strap on

Mistress Theresa made Phillip her Bitch Boy. Sinking her 9" rubber cock deep in his ass!

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Bitch Boy

Someone that likes to be "Fucked and Dominated"

Tubbo: "I learned what bitch boy meant the other day and I feel kinda scarred, I looked it up on urban dictionary. It means someone that likes to be "Fucked and Dominated."

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