Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Big girl panties?

A sarcastic remark said to a person who seems to be acting childish and immature and wallowing in self-pity. Can be said to either a male or female.

Would you stop it, god you're driving me crazy. There's nothing you can do so put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

immature martyr

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Big girl panties - video


Big girl panties - what is it?

Refers to a woman strapping on over-sized underpants to cover her enormous lower section, to help cover her fupa as well.

Not to be confused with "big girl pants" -- which refers to being a "big girl" in the mature sense of the word. "Big girl panties" is in reference to her large bottom area UNDER her pants.

"You need to put on your big girl panties, because girl, that fupa is just horrible to look at."

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What does "Big girl panties" mean?

an expression that is used to say "Grow Up, Move On and Be An Adult"

Linda was crying about Marie and how she was spreading gossip about her. I just told her, "Linda, it's time to put on your big girl panties and deal with it."

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