Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Big Big?

Organizations that pair young kids with older "brothers" & "sisters". They spend quality time together & it makes up for not having a Mom or Dad. Great for youngsters!

{Big Sisters & Big Brothers are in practically every town & city nationwide.

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Big Big - video


Big Big - what is it?

What a sweet bangtan boy wants

I wanna big house,big cars and big rings

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What does "Big Big" mean?

An up an Coming Rap Duo from New Hampshire. Known for their hit single "Miami Vice" (prod. OBM Beats)
Key lyrics
"Going to the beach because we in Miami"
"I can't shake when I shoot, pop a xanny"

"They are the best rap duo ever known"
"Have you heard that new Big $ig?"

Big $ig (Big Fig/Big Smokah) The best up and coming rap duo from NH

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Big Big - what does it mean?

You’ll only understand big on big once you feel it then you’ll know. Something two white bitches with fat asses always shout around mapso.

Ex: β€œIsabel I got so much big on big last weekend.”

β€œThere were these two girls at this party the other day and their shit was bouncing. They was so big on big.”

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Big Big - meaning

The act of exceeding any already seemingly challenging task. Example; Jay-Z not only got BeyoncΓ© to like him, but got her to fuck him as well.

He went big on the cocaine, but he went big on big when he overdosed

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Big Big - definition

When there's a guy that looks like a guy named salvatore and his name is gianni tucci and he has pubes on his head. He will usually say "lick those subway lips" but he has the fatest fucking salvatore lips ever, fuck. Like the kid has to cheeze u he has to have fat fat fat fucking fat ass fucking salvatore lips


Chris - "bro u have fat fucking lips"
Gianni - "lick those subway lips"
Chris - "stfu u fucking fat fuck"
Gianni - "I have salvatore lips, what can I say"
Chris - "ya u have big big salvatore lips"

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Big Big - slang

a very big stonky fart

perossn *fart*
you AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa big big stonky fart!!!!!!!!!!!

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Big Big

Big Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big Chungus

I love the song"Big Big Chungus Big chungus Big Chungus"
Big Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big ChungusBig Big Chungus Big chungus Big Chungus

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Big Big

Fat peepz. I mean HELLA fat.

No! Lookit that BIG-BIG!! Who lied to you and said you could wear that spandex???

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Big Big

That good ol’ big big. If you ain’t got that big big, you ain’t no good.

β€œYo bro, do you got that Big Big?”

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