Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bi-lingual?

Speaking multiple languages during one sexual encounter.

OMG, you’re so grande y duro (Bi-Sexual Lingual)

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Bi-lingual - meme gif

Bi-lingual meme gif

Bi-lingual - video


Bi-lingual - what is it?

A person able to speak two languages


A person who isn't an American.

1. I speak English and Russian. I'm bi-lingual!
2. That person is bi-lingual. Perhaps we shouldn't have spit in his food.

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What does "Bi-lingual" mean?

The fluent ability to use both an apple computer and a PC interchangeably

Yes, I am bi-lingual, I can comfortably use both a Macintosh and Windows!

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Bi-lingual - what does it mean?

the ability to speak two or more languages fluently in conversation with a person or persons of similar high intelect, but mostly for high end banter

"excuse me are u here for the Bi-lingual interview"

"err naturally,don de esta ich trinke mein this you massive rod"

or "meine kampf bitte, unt je mapelle doob"

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