Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Berdoo?

Informal name for the city of San Bernardino, California.

Rolled on down to San Berdoo
Just to smack the Vals and see The Who
Like all them royal bandits do
When they roll down to San Berdoo

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Berdoo - what is it?

Slang for the city of San Bernardino. Mostly used by people who live in the city.

"Everyone knows that berdoo always has the best weed."

👍163 👎43

What does "Berdoo" mean?

Slang term for San Bernardino California. People moving into the area from the dust bowl of Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas shortened San Bernardino to Berdoo.

Berdoo is east of L.A. on old highway 99 going out toward Palm Springs

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