Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Berce's?

Berce can really mean anything. Berce's are anything from hairs to people. Although the word berce was formed by two boys at a school in oakville.

Berce "that was so berce"
Bercey "hey bercey come here"
Berce "that teacher is so berced up"

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Berce's - meme gif

Berce's meme gif

Berce's - video


Berce's - what is it?

An incredibly lovely person. Pretty, intelligent, outgoing etc. Good looking as hell. Always stands up for people she loves. A kind and caring soul.

Omg did you see how beautiful she is? I am not surprised that her name is Berce.

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What does "Berce's" mean?

Short for Tuberculosis.

Patient: So doctor, what do I have?

Doctor: I'm afraid you have...the berc.

Patient: NOOOOO not the berc, please, NOT THE BERC!

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