Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Beomgyu's?

Cute teddy bear.

Person A: omg you have a Beomgyu photo card?!
Person B: YEP he is basically a bear.

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Beomgyu's - meme gif

Beomgyu's meme gif

Beomgyu's - video


Beomgyu's - what is it?

beomgyu is a boy that makes me feel comfortable, loved and cared. i never met him in real life but i love him. he's the prettiest boy i've ever seen. he's cute but at the same time is hot :D. he's also very talented in everything. he hates tomato :/

"beomgyu is so talented"
"beomgyu is very pretty"

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What does "Beomgyu's" mean?

me i am beomgyu.

β€œomg are you really beomgyu!???”you
β€œ leave me alone and stop asking because i obviously amπŸ₯ΊπŸ€· β™€οΈπŸ€· β™€οΈπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™β€me

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Beomgyu's - what does it mean?

Choi Beomgyu is an adorable baby bear from tomorrow by together (TXT) who radiates crackhead energy and deserves the whole wide world. He loves Taehyun :D

'Beomgyu is so babie'

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Beomgyu's - meaning



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Beomgyu's - definition

Beomgyu is a replacement for the word Gorgeous. Because Beomgyu is Gorgeous.

Person 1: Oh my god look at that girls hair!
Person 2: YES she's so beomgyu!

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Beomgyu's - slang

literally a baby bear the love of my life the reason why i’m breathing best boy 4th gen center my boy

X: oh who’s Beomgyu ?

me: the reason why i cry every night πŸ₯°

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beomgyu : member from korean boyband TXT
is the most adorable little energizer in the world, has a parrot named toto.

who's making all that noise? probably beomgyu and hyuka.

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Beomgyu is a synonym for perfect. Beomgyu is a kinda, caring, and hard working person that deserves many things in life. A pure soul that has gone through a lot but is still genuine and cares for others. Please respect Beomgyu as for they are a gift to this world.

"Beomgyu deserves the world."

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A literal β€œfallen angel” who happened to land in bighit and became one of the 5 members of TXT. Beomgyu is a gorgeous talented all rounder and the best 4th generation center! He’s fucking Baller.

Soobin: Damn, Beomgyu killer it during practice

Yeonjun: As expected from Thee Choi Beomgyu

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