Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Benned?

Ben is a guy with brown hair and loves to play sports. He is a type of guy who is easy to be friends with. He may be fine when you meet him but when you get to know him, the goofy side comes out. He is a guy who will steal your heart in a day, who has an amazing smile that lighten ups a dark room. Ben is the perfect guy out there.

Girl 1: Wow, he is such a Ben.
Girl 2: Totally!

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Benned - meme gif

Benned meme gif

Benned - video


Benned - what is it?

Someone who's reading this right now and shocked at how accurate this stuff is. It's possible that he doesn't believe it, but it's true regardless.

Hi Ben, I hope you have a fantastic day.

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What does "Benned" mean?

A guy who this everything is gay

His Nelson friends- Let’s go play a game
Ben Ben- No that’s gay

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Benned - what does it mean?

the duck overlord. he can perform mind control on ducks of all kinds.

Look, its Ben with his army of ducks again!

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Benned - meaning

Ben Ben Ben is another way of getting a person named Ben’s attention.

You: Ben Ben Ben! Come to the pumpkin patch!

Ben: Alright i’ll be there in 20 minutes! I just need to finish packing my bags for when i go to Arizona!

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Benned - definition

Verb- Dominated and humiliated, usually in a highlight reel way. Based off the Dallas Stars hockey player Jamie Benn, as he the raddest motherfucker in sports. (Benn, Bennage, Benning)

Guy 1: Did you see what happened to Ibaka the other night? Guy 2: Yeah bro, he got absolutely benned by Dirk!

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Benned - slang

When that one guy in your group just kills the mood, so you stop inviting him.

Oh yeah, Dave kept scabbing money off of us so we Benned him.

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A modernized version of the term banned; coined by H.L. can also be used as a term of humiliation and moral bankruptcy.

Person A: Hey, did you see Ben eating that yogurt?
Person B: Yeah, that was messed up, we should totally have yogurt Benned from the workplace.

Benuel: Hey mate, would you like my strawberry yogurt?
Homeless man: Why did you buy that? Dude, you just got Benned!

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The modern version of the term banned. To be benned is to have your access removed from a gaming server, a forum, or a wiki.

User on a gaming server: R U SRS?! U FUXIN N00B!!!!
Admin on a gaming server: Sorry man, but caps lock is cruise control for cool, I'm gonna have to ben you.

User on a forum: Fuck you all, you're all a bunch of fuckers. You think theorizing is cool, but it's not. You're just blinded by multiple theories that don't match up.
Admin on a forum: I'm not even going to warn him, I'm just going to ben him.

Admin on a wiki: Time to ben someone.
User on a wiki: Fuck I just got fucking benned.

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Too destroy another man's confidence by responding to them In an extremely nonchalant way.

(Ben)"your just got benned"
(All of Bens friends) "Good one dude"

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