Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bej?

to own face; to beat down on someone

I bejed you good nig nig.

👍93 👎55

Bej - meme gif

Bej meme gif

Bej - video


Bej - what is it?

Bej is a humanoid bulldog that is a god in sum cultures, and isn't widespread yet. The culture just happens to be named Bej, along with its main, and only God.Sum joke that this foreign god is the reason that your texts autocorrect, but he is.

Random guy: heyj what'sj upj?

Random guy: whyj isj myj autocorrectj actingj weirdj

Random girl: thisj isj certainly aj workj ofj Bej

👍27 👎21

What does "Bej" mean?

Female Genitals (Vagina). it is the opposite to 'Jeb'

Oh my god, Kevin you're a bej

👍57 👎67