Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bears?

One of Osaka, Japan's most notorious live venues, run by Yamamoto Seiichi, of Boredoms fame. The music playing at Bears will go from punk to noise, garage rock, metal and everything in between. Does not have its own bar, though beer is sold from a cooler. Capacity is of about 100 people, and a sold-out show can get seriously packed.

We went to a Masonna gig at Bears and it lasted 2 minutes.

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Bears - meme gif

Bears meme gif

Bears - video

Bears - what is it?

bearpolar beargrizzlycubwolfotterleatherbeer bustlumber jackdaddysirhairystockyburlysirly(noun).A group (pack) of stocky hairy(fuzzy) men usually sporting beards and beer bellys. Leather or lumberjack gear optional. Akin to leather bars and gay country bars. Pass times usually include playing pool, watching football, drinking beer and of course snuggling.

Dave: Hey, wanna go to the beer bust at the Wrangler?

Mike: Sure, no shortage of heat mingling in a sea of bears there.

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What does "Bears" mean?

Australian Slang for Boobs

Check out those awesome bears!

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Bears - what does it mean?

1. A sacrcastic way of saying "I don't care".

Bears 1. Juan told shane, "stop making fun of fat people they have feelings too". Shane looked at Juan and said "BEARS". 2. Juan told Shane, "I'm legal" Shane said "I'm a bear".

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Bears - meaning


another name for feces

'i just made a massive bear'
'my bears are running'
'i need 2 make bears'

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Bears - definition

Greatest Football Team EVER

Da Bears are da greatest team ever

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Bears - slang

Bears are large furry carnivores of the family Ursidae. Large bears can measure up to 14 feet tall when standing on their hind legs, and 2000 pounds (1 ton). Bears are found all over the world, but generally speak with pronounced Russian accents. Bears are known to enjoy raw salmon, with copious amounts of vodka. Never, under any circumstances, try to out-drink a bear. Their superior body mass and Russian-ness will allow them to drink you under the table without even getting tipsy. Many bears also enjoy Cuban cigars.

Me: Whats up?
Bears: ЗдравствултС, Ρ‚ΠΎΠ²Π°Ρ€ΠΈΡ‰!
Me: Lets drink vodka!
Bears: Π”Π°!

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A terrifying beast that will literally rip your face of just so that he can show his bear buddies how stupid you look. A bear will fuck your mother while fingering your little sister and then eat your pancreas while drilling a hole in the top of your head and then pissing up your nose an out that hole.

A bear can swallow an orange and shit out a new world religion.

When you see waves at the beach, its because the ocean is trying to escape from bears who feel like swimming.

A retarded boy from Wisconsin once hugged a bear on a camping trip long ago. That boy turned out to be Jesus.

The Space Shuttle was originally created to escape from Bears and find a new bear-free planet. The Appollo and Columbia shuttles had the misfortune of not bear-proofing the doors.

The Extinction of the Dinosaurs was actually caused by one Bear and 7 Beers.

Friday the 13th is based on the true story of a Bear who got bored on day.

A Grizzly from Northern Canada has more friends on Myspace than Tom.

God decided one day to fight a Bear in one of his forests. The outcome resulted in the forest becoming the Sahara Desert and God becoming Anna Nicole Smith.


"Hey, I heard Chuck Norris died yesterday." "Yeah, he made a Bear joke in public."

"How did Jeff die?" "A Bear" "A Bear ate him?" "No, it hit him while going 60 in a 03 Toyota."

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They are godless killing machines.

Stephen Colbert: Bears don't pray because they are godless killing machines.

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The term "Bears" has been a long standing slang term to refer to any member in law enforcement. The term was originally made popular in America by CB operators.

"Tom, this is Joe, I got a twenty on a couple Bears up here on mile marker 29. Over."

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