Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bean soup?

Is defined as a bunch of niggas with wack ass domes in a group close or together.

That pool over there is bean soup, it’s fuckin wack

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Bean soup - video


Bean soup - what is it?

A can of bean soup is something that is very lovely and lonley,,, its also liquidy. I guess, LMAO

I love to drink a can of bean soup when its pouring outside

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What does "Bean soup" mean?

Defined as the act of a bunch of pissed off sailors sent to wash dishes down at scullery in the galley made a special soup by ejaculating together in a soup pot. the key ingredients are sea men, cream of some young guy, BEANERS, and various spices. usually served on the mess decks this soup has feed the crew for years.

todays special is Navy bean soup prepared by the crew.

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Bean soup - what does it mean?

Coach fuel

Coach can’t go to bed before he’s had his bowl of white bean soup.

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Bean soup - meaning

Flicking the bean until she comes in a large soupy mess.

We are headed home to make dinner.
What's for dinner?

Bean soup... If ya know what I mean.

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Bean soup - definition

To be high or intoxicated.

"Dude man I'm bean souped out my mind right now."

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Bean soup - slang

When you find urself in a hot tub you press ur anal cavity against the hot jet. Whilst u cum u let the bubbles blow you up till you are so bulbous you need to explode all over Lenka’s face!!!

Last night I tried to cum but while I bean souped Lenka made that yuck face!!

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