Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bean dipping?

n. 1. a swimming pool infested with Mexicans

Let's go to the bean dip for a swim.

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Bean dipping - video


Bean dipping - what is it?

Bean dipping is when you scoop someone's chest area, usually on a man. It's a common game amongst children in middle school, but anyone can bean dip!

"I just bean dipped that kid over there!"

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What does "Bean dipping" mean?

When you take your fingers and place them under a breast (male or female) and flick up. Shortly after you announce "Bean Dip!"

Hey Paul! Did you see me bean dip Jenny?

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Bean dipping - what does it mean?

a mexican baptsim

Pedro: hey you want to go to my sons baptism

Jonny no im not in to bean dip

Pedro:no we have salsa and chips and beer

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Bean dipping - meaning

To scoop the boob of someone and yell "BEAN DIP!"

Usually done for shock value. Or you just want to touch someone's boob.

Marty ran up to Bertha, and bean dipped her.

Bertha got Marty back by slapping him.

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Bean dipping - definition

The act of flicking a fat kid's boob to where it jiggles, in a manner as if you were dipping a chip into bean dip.

This is usually done at places where kids gather to play Magic: The Gathering or have LAN parties.

Let's give that fattie a bean dip he'll never forget!

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Bean dipping - slang

To flick a woman's (or man's) breast with the index finger.

Dubbed "bean dip" because the move is similar to that of scooping up bean dip.

I flicked that fat guy's manboob and said "Bean dip!" so he'd understand the motion.

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Bean dipping

a funny word known as to scooping one or anothers boob.

i tried to bean dip marlie but there was nothing to dip...

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Bean dipping

Raise the underboob of a man or woman with your index and second finger.

Cameron gave Lori a "bean dip" to celebrate the fun evening

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Bean dipping

it’s the act of sexually violating someone’s pet hamster.

I’m going to start bean dipping you .
Don’t you come to my house and start bean dipping me.

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